1. Cecilia Liu, Comm Des & Marketing, Junior
  2. I do not have any previous experience with coding, but I was interested to learn more.
  3. I dont have any previous experience with CSS / HTML / JS.
  4. I want to learn how to build a website
  5. I think you have to be more concious of the UX and interacting with the page.
  6. https://www.bartleboglehegarty.com - I think this website exemplifies good design because it is visually engaging, cohesive, consistent, and organized.
  7. https://twitter.com - I think twitter is a good example of effectively communicating in a simple way what the site is for and how users are expected to engage with it.
  8. https://www.soul-cycle.com - I think the soul cycle webiste has great UX, it is very clear how it should be used. I also think it makes the process of booking extremely simple and seamless.